Condominium association Insurance in Fort Myers | John Perry Insurance

Around this time of year there usually is a call for candidates to submit their names to be directors of their condominium or homeowners’ association for vacant seats coming up at next year’s annual meeting. Most associations have five to seven director seats usually with either one-year terms or two-year staggered terms. Many times it is hard to get owners to run for the board because of the time commitment needed to be given to such a part-time unpaid job. Another obstacle to service is the fear a director may be personally sued if one or more owners don’t like the way the director may carry out their job. Time commitment and suit fear may scare away good candidates from running for the open positions. Luckily in Florida, most condominium and homeowners’ associations carry John Perry Insurance to defend and protect the directors if they do get sued. In addition, the directors are indemnified by the associations both by provisions in their Ar...